Systainer T-LOC SYS-C 12 Li / 15 Li

Description du produit
Systainer T-LOC SYS-C 12 Li / 15 Li
SYS-C 12/15 Li Systainer-grootte SYS 1 T-LOC Bestelnummer: 498167 63,65 Incl. BTW: 21% (in België) ,SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-TS 55 Suitable for tool types: Empty Systainer with insert for TS 55 Technical data SYSTAINER size SYS ,SYS-C 12/15 Li Beschrijving: Alles op orde, maximaal overzicht, flexibele modules Grote besparing op transport, handgrepen, kosten SYSTAINER T-LOC,SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li: Order number: 498167: technical datas. SYSTAINER size : SYS 1 T-LOC Make Festool your homepage: Add to favorites ,SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li Description : Rangement durable, visibilité maximale, modules flexibles Gain de temps en manipulations, déplacements et ,SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-DX Suitable for tool types: for DX 93 ,SYS-C 12/15 Li Opis: Trway porzdek, maksymalna przejrzysto, moduy do rónych zastosowa Due oszczdnoci czasu SYSTAINER T-LOC,SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li Descrizione. Ordine duraturo, massima visibilità, moduli flessibili Notevole risparmio di tempo, gesti, spostamenti ,SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li Description: Permanent organisation, clear overview, flexible modules Saves significant time, effort, movement, expense ,SYS-C 12/15 Li Description SYSTAINER size SYS 1 T-LOC Order number: 498167
SYSTAINER with inserts for Festool power tools - SYS-C 12
SYS-C 12/15 Li Description SYSTAINER size SYS 1 T-LOC Order number: 498167
SYSTAINER with inserts for Festool power tools - SYS-C 12
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li Description: Permanent organisation, clear overview, flexible modules Saves significant time, effort, movement, expense
SYSTAINER con inserti per utensili Festool - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li Descrizione. Ordine duraturo, massima visibilità, moduli flessibili Notevole risparmio di tempo, gesti, spostamenti
Systainery z wkadkami na narzdzia Festool - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYS-C 12/15 Li Opis: Trway porzdek, maksymalna przejrzysto, moduy do rónych zastosowa Due oszczdnoci czasu SYSTAINER T-LOC
SYSTAINER with inserts for Festool power tools - SYS-DX
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-DX Suitable for tool types: for DX 93
SYSTAINER avec calage pour machines Festool - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li Description : Rangement durable, visibilité maximale, modules flexibles Gain de temps en manipulations, déplacements et
FESTOOL SOUTH AFRICA - Tools for the toughest demands
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li: Order number: 498167: technical datas. SYSTAINER size : SYS 1 T-LOC Make Festool your homepage: Add to favorites
SYSTAINER met inleg voor Festool gereedschap - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYS-C 12/15 Li Beschrijving: Alles op orde, maximaal overzicht, flexibele modules Grote besparing op transport, handgrepen, kosten SYSTAINER T-LOC
SYSTAINER with inserts for Festool power tools - SYS-TS 55
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-TS 55 Suitable for tool types: Empty Systainer with insert for TS 55 Technical data SYSTAINER size SYS
SYSTAINER met inleg voor Festool gereedschap - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYS-C 12/15 Li Systainer-grootte SYS 1 T-LOC Bestelnummer: 498167 63,65 Incl. BTW: 21% (in België)
SYS-C 12/15 Li Description SYSTAINER size SYS 1 T-LOC Order number: 498167
SYSTAINER with inserts for Festool power tools - SYS-C 12
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li Description: Permanent organisation, clear overview, flexible modules Saves significant time, effort, movement, expense
SYSTAINER con inserti per utensili Festool - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li Descrizione. Ordine duraturo, massima visibilità, moduli flessibili Notevole risparmio di tempo, gesti, spostamenti
Systainery z wkadkami na narzdzia Festool - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYS-C 12/15 Li Opis: Trway porzdek, maksymalna przejrzysto, moduy do rónych zastosowa Due oszczdnoci czasu SYSTAINER T-LOC
SYSTAINER with inserts for Festool power tools - SYS-DX
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-DX Suitable for tool types: for DX 93
SYSTAINER avec calage pour machines Festool - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li Description : Rangement durable, visibilité maximale, modules flexibles Gain de temps en manipulations, déplacements et
FESTOOL SOUTH AFRICA - Tools for the toughest demands
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-C 12/15 Li: Order number: 498167: technical datas. SYSTAINER size : SYS 1 T-LOC Make Festool your homepage: Add to favorites
SYSTAINER met inleg voor Festool gereedschap - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYS-C 12/15 Li Beschrijving: Alles op orde, maximaal overzicht, flexibele modules Grote besparing op transport, handgrepen, kosten SYSTAINER T-LOC
SYSTAINER with inserts for Festool power tools - SYS-TS 55
SYSTAINER T-LOC SYS-TS 55 Suitable for tool types: Empty Systainer with insert for TS 55 Technical data SYSTAINER size SYS
SYSTAINER met inleg voor Festool gereedschap - SYS-C 12/15 Li
SYS-C 12/15 Li Systainer-grootte SYS 1 T-LOC Bestelnummer: 498167 63,65 Incl. BTW: 21% (in België)
Détails sur le produit
- Marque: Festool
- Dimensions: 6.18" h x
11.81" l x
15.75" L,
- Le Systainer SYS-C 12/15 FESTOOL 498167 avec calage est particulièrement adapté au rangement des perceuses-visseuses C12/15 .
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